Where the Sunny side of guitar and beautiful nature meet in a harmonious synergy >

 Natural World - Photography, Videos and Music >

The Sun and natural world are primary and constant inspiration for my art-music work. My love for natural world photography and movie making, resulted in three special music/video projects, comprised of over 200 original photographs, videos and sounds of nature, all from South and South East England and London. Each project took around 5 years to complete, and with zero CO2 footprint. The projects are: Robin (about Robin bird), Interlude With Birds (about 33 species of birds), and After All, Peace Will Come (the landscape photography). Two videos, in a portfolio format, are on YouTube. Scroll further below.

Natural World Video Projects at my solo guitar recitals >

At Deal Arts Festival >

Here playing Interlude with Birds - natural world photo/video/music project.

At Colchester Arts Centre >

Here playing After All, Peace Will Come - natural world photo/video/music project.

Album launch at Bell House, London >

Here playing Robin  - natural world photo/video/music project.

As a part of my solo-guitar recitals, I perform these three projects for magical finale of my recitals, live guitar along the video screening, all in a perfect harmony and sync. If a video screening is not available, then the live guitar and all the sounds of nature, as in videos. This needs to be seen and herd to be believed. For more info and to see demos of these actual live shows videos please see the Marketing Pack PDF >


Two Natural World Photo/Video/Music projects videos >
NOTE: For my live recitals these videos have been edited to exclude lengthy intro text and commercial references. See Marketing Pack above for more info.

Interlude With Birds (featuring 33 species of birds)                                                               After All, Peace Will Come (landscape photography)

Wish to own one of these original photographs? >

If you wish to purchase any of my photographs please get in touch, and let me know which one. Due to the postal service constrains and expense, A4 (approx. 30 x 20 cm/12" x 8") and A3 (approx. 40 x 30 cm/16" x 12") size photos are available from our Web Store for posting. Larger sizes are also available. Photos are printed on a high quality real photographic archival paper in a pro-photo lab, not ink-jet. I also provide a complete frame service, and amazing photo clocks. Private viewing of my permanent home exhibition, and portfolio, is by appointment.


As a soothing hobby of mine, a lovingly hand made, with my original fine-art photography. Real pro photo-lab photos on 25cm wooden circle base, open face clocks, with precision silent (no ticking) Quartz movement. Excellent for recording studios and similar and for those who don't like ticking noise, (if you like ticking I can use the ticking movement). The Clock Face (a real C-print photo) is coated with an UV/Anti-Fade/Water-Proof coating. Clocks are made by order once you chose your photo/motive (can use any from 100's of my photos), or if you wish, I can use your photo. Please allow minimum of 10-14 days for delivery.